Women in Leadership (WIL) presents: Speak Up: How to Make Your Voice Heard

By Traci Posse
Hard to believe we're six months into the year already. Our Employee Resource Group, Women in Leadership (WIL), continues to bring amazing learning opportunities to our TTEC community every month. If you're a part of the TTEC family, be sure to check in live for the session. Can't make it live? It's available afterwards for you to review as well. Check out what's happening this month!
This month's Women in Leadership (WIL) session invites you to engage with Shelley Larrick, Dana Davis, and Candida Barbosa as they invite you to Speak Up! Learn how these engaging women made themselves a seat at the table and how you can too!
Shelley, Dana, and Candida will introduce you to their passionate approach to leveraging their experience and creating their personal brand. However, it will be their authenticity that shines through as an example to follow!
Carla Harris, Vice Chairman and Managing Director at Morgan Stanley, knows a thing or two about authenticity and aspiring to the seat you want to sit in. Check out Carla Harris on how to own your power presentation.
Feeling motivated?! Carla Harris shared some of her “pearls of wisdom” and suggests you identify three adjectives that define success for you in your industry.
I have personally had to bring my own chair many times in my career. When I was overlooked for opportunities, I had to assert myself gracefully but with grit. I learned to have the courage and confidence in my ability to execute and then demonstrated how. As I reflect on getting my seat at the table, my adjectives come down to being:
Inquisitive – I ask questions! I will challenge the status quo and ask why something must be the way it is and then I will push for the seat to change it when it does not make sense.
Communicative – I speak up! I want to speak; I want to be heard and I want to listen. I understand my audience and know how to engage and motivate each person based on their needs, not just my own.
Supportive – I support others! My success is not defined on me alone. It is defined by how the people I work with perceive me and what value I bring to the table.
TTECers, ready to make yourself a seat at the table?! Please join us at our WIL Session on July 20th, 12pm MST. Check out the Women in Leadership space on Mosaic for more details or check the Teams to interact with the WIL community.
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