Women in Leadership Presents - Journeys of Women Leaders in Mexico

This month's Women in Leadership session brings us five presenters from Mexico who will share their personal stories, challenges and what they've learned along the way. If you follow my blogs you might already have figured out that one the of things I appreciate most about my job is the ability to work with so many people across the world, to learn from them and to hear their stories.
It's important as leaders, we understand the unique experiences that make up our employee base. As we learn about the people we work with, we foster improved leadership through understanding. This not only allows us to learn and grow but, enables stronger relationships that are supportive. The presentation will cover some history and harrowing statistics about current experiences for women in Mexico that may be difficult to hear.
Magaly Juárez, Emilenne López, Lizbeth Vázquez, Delirna Diteos and Jessica Ruiz will share their journey and their gratitude while noting how TTEC is a safe space that has provided much opportunity for growth. Hearing about their experiences, one thing is clear - they show resolve and strength. I admire the ability of so many amazing women to push past challenges, sometimes extreme and continuously seek ways to redefine and evolve - more importantly, carve better paths for the future, for themselves and for women to be.
TTECers, please join Women in Leadership on Wednesday, November 17th at 12pm MST - visit the Mosaic Space for more details.
Interested in learning more about the stories of TTEC women around the globe? Check out our YouTube playlist.
Looking for opportunities to join our team in Mexico, head to TTECjobs.com to search for your next role and learn more about TTEC.