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Women in Leadership Presents - Influencing & Driving Change in People, Teams and Organizations That Don't Report to You

Women in Leadership Presents - Influencing & Driving Change in People, Teams and Organizations That Don't Report to You

By Sarah Kantor

This month's Women In Leadership (WIL) session invites you to join us in a conversation about: Influencing and driving change in people, teams and organizations that don't report to you.

I listened to a podcast many years ago that discussed dealing with difficult internal support partners but I modified the tips over the years to accommodate anyone I'm working with who doesn't report to me based on the podcast, and many other materials, experiences and lessons.

  • State your objective: Its fundamentally helpful to lay out what you're trying to accomplish, why it matters and how it feeds into organizational goals. This gives room for understanding and clarifying
  • Be Clear: Sometimes, less is more. Ultimately, being clear makes everyone's life easier
  • Ask, don't tell: Sometimes we have to get straight down to business and that means things need to get done but, that doesn't mean we need to forsake courtesy
  • Be Genuine, Authentic: Speak in your most genuine, authentic voice
  • Be fact finding, not fault finding: Its true, people are our greatest asset however, this can come with situations where blame can occur. It's important to present facts where more often than not, the process, technology or tools are a bigger part of the issue than someone making a mistake. We want to encourage positive growth and while its important as individuals to own our opportunities, it's also important to perpetuate an environment where fear of blame or making a mistake is minimized in the grand scheme of things
  • Assume Positive Intent: People don't typically try to make things difficult. As a leader, it's your job to understand why there may be resistance or difficulty and work towards a collaborative end result through constructive dialogue
  • Communicate, Communicate, Communicate! We receive so much information in a day it's easy for things to be missed. Don't be afraid to communicate to Champions, stakeholders, teams and individuals in a wide variety of ways. It's also important to communicate in a way that's helpful to those you're working with. Some people prefer a daily 10 minute meeting while others prefer email
  • It's ok to apologize, even if you aren't wrong: An apology doesn't mean you're wrong. It means you're acknowledging something you could have done better in a given situation
  • Be collaborative, lead by example and be a part of the solution: Its simple. We're in this together so it's important to be willing to establish clear ownership while communicating where you can contribute
  • Results: Keep the end in mind and communicate results often - this is key!

Our presenters, Erica A., Mita A. and Karen J. will share their tips on leading projects to completion while delivering results and exceeding expectations. They hope to instill confidence by providing knowledge and experiences that contribute to their success. I hope you'll join us to learn more, Wednesday, Sept. 15 at noon MT.

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