What Pride Means to Me

Pride month is a celebration of life within the LGBTQIA+ community. Pride means more to me than waving a rainbow flag and joining the street parties. It is about embracing my true, authentic self, recognizing the diversity in others, and promoting inclusiveness in the workplace and society.
A History of Pride
Today we celebrate Pride with a month full of parades, parties, and a whole lot of rainbows from shirts to flags. Michael, a Canada teammate, recently reminded me how important it is to recognize the sacrifices of the previous generations that showed their Pride publicly. It laid the groundwork. He believes we have more appreciation for where we are today when we pay our respects to those that came before us.
Pride is a commemoration of the unrest in New York City that happened at the Stonewall Inn on June 28, 1969. This incident gave the movement a boost. From then on, increased visibility and equality across the globe have happened. While some countries are lagging, the LGBTQIA+ community has come a long way in gaining mainstream acceptance and the civil liberties enjoyed by so many today. We have seen same-sex marriages and civil unions happen, laws being passed to end sexual orientation discrimination, and even openly gay, lesbians, and transexuals being allowed to serve in the military.
What’s in a Pronoun?
Want to make a small difference in just the life of one other? For those of us that self-identify in the LGBTQIA+ community, simply using a pronoun that fits my identity is a show of respect and understanding. Unsure? Ask. It might not be a grand gesture but knowing that you recognize someone’s preference is a step towards inclusion and visibility. It took a while for me master this technique, but it works the magic, and it helps me foster respect with the person I am interacting with. When people ask me, I’m happy to share with them that my preferred pronouns are he/him/his. I often indicate this on my profile to make it easier for others to understand how I want to be addressed.
Support the Community
Want to get even more involved? We can show our Pride and lift each other up through volunteer work or donating to organizations that we hold near and dear. There are dozens in every community across the globe. I encourage you to reach out to an organization or non-profit in your community supporting LGBTQIA+ causes.
Pride is Visibility
Pride is about accepting individuality. It is about promoting everyone’s visibility in our society. It is when we form a safe space where each one of us can thrive. We share a responsibility to be respectful of where everyone is in their journey of self-discovery.
More than anything, I encourage you share your stories with us. Leverage your social media reach by sharing your insights and tag #ExperienceTTEC to become a part of the global conversation.