Third Time's a Charm - Meet Lorine, TTEC Alumni

You know the phrase, third time's a charm? This is true for Lorine’s TTEC story. Her TTEC journey starts in Morgantown, West Virginia where she would become a 2-time alumni associate. As she shares with a little laughter, she wasn’t the best of associates at that time. It took a life change to help her become more serious about her career and focus on her future for her family. And when she returned to TTEC again, this time, it was a charm. Between goal setting, hard work, preparation, and coaching, she paved a career path to the training department.
Lorine shares that as an associate, she created a tool that caught the eye of her manager. This lead to her manager encouraging to apply for a Nesting Coach role. She took the promotion knowing it was going to stretch her, but this time – she was prepared to put in the effort to take her career to the next level. When a Team Lead role became available, her managers supported her through the application and interview process. She then became a Team Lead for one and half years when a role for a Training Supervisor became available. She prepared for her interview (she’s well known for overpreparing!) – she had her resume, metrics, performance results ready to share and had practiced interview questions. Lorine received the promotion and was in that role for three years. She was ready for another challenge and the next thing you know, she was off and running in her new town in Daytona, Florida as a Training Manager for the Ennis and Daytona contact centers.
Lorine’s energy is infectious. She wants to have fun at work. She believes that training is where it all begins for new hires and that this a critical opportunity for her team to help influence the new hires about their career potential, support their onboarding, and make a strong brand impression.
TTEC has provided her more with her personal life than she ever thought possible of an employer. She credits the level of support from her managers with helping her to get to her role today. She also shares that the accessibility to the employee assistance program and TTEC University have been instrumental in her moving forward in both her personal and professional life.
And what’s one thing that her colleagues may not know about her? During a rapport building session in new hire training, Lorine will often surprise the new hires by sharing that she has 8 tattoos. She’s also looking to travel the world…. once she gets past her fear of flying. We know she will take flight just like her career has once she puts her mind and heart into it.