Spotlight: TTEC Australia – What We Miss About Working On-Site

Many of us have been working from home during this pandemic. While remote work might have its advantages, it can also prove challenging, especially for people who love being social. Australian business culture, for example, is known for being quite friendly and often involves lots of socializing, so that set-up might be a bit tricky.
As the world gets closer to recovering from the pandemic, let’s remember the things we miss most about working at the office. We talked to some people enjoying their customer service careers at TTEC Australia and got their thoughts on the perks of on-site work.
The biggest advantages of a corporate workplace: office amenities and immediate access to company resources. You get faster, more reliable internet. Technical support is so close by. Operations experts are sometimes just a few steps away!
Danny Yildirim, Customer Care Representative for TTEC Australia, agrees: “I’ve worked from home during the pandemic. It’s quite difficult at times due to technical capabilities. It doesn’t compare to that of working from the office.”
Troy Delmege, Team Lead for TTEC Australia, has a similar perspective: “When something doesn’t work or you don’t know something, it’s a luxury to turn to the person next to you and get an instant answer.”
The biggest thing people enjoy about going to the office is the more concrete connection with fellow employees. Troy explains how he craves for the daily interactions he used to thrive in: “I miss the social aspect of working on-site. I definitely don’t get out or see colleagues as much as I used to.” Interactive office design plays a big role in this communal work experience. Troy continues, “When working in a big office, you’re always meeting new people just going around. I’d have conversations with random people in the kitchen, and those can lead to so many fun food chats – a really interesting break from work.”
TTEC really knows how to make work office space more comfortable and engaging for its people. From spacious pantries to fun break rooms, we do our best to create an office environment built for connecting.
Danny misses socializing with friends at work as well: “Enjoyable moments in a day like a lunch to hang out with coworkers, team activities, and even company-wide social events – these are so important for developing strong bonds between colleagues and creating a positive work environment.” Australian business culture is very social, so shared meals and shared experiences are true backbones of community building. It’s the same for TTEC.
Though relatively laid-back, Australian business culture still emphasizes diligence, efficiency, and professionalism. And, people miss great professional interactions at work too. Troy says, “Watching and listening to other colleagues do their work well and then borrowing their good ideas… that’s the great thing about being face-to-face. Everyone has their own little secrets and shortcuts that can make the job easier. You get to see more of that at the office.”
Danny feels the same way, saying “Sharing helpful knowledge and resources with one another real-time is great. The day-to-day interactions with colleagues really builds strong team relationships and develops best practices.” At the office, communication and knowledge transfer is just more efficient.
In addition, being around coworkers can help with motivation. Troy says, “When there’s healthy competition at the office like there is for my team, it keeps you on your toes. It energizes you to do your best for the group.”
There are even more reasons to miss working on-site: less distractions, the abundance of office amenities, very interactive office designs that inspire productivity and collaboration, even the daily routine of a commute. One day soon we can all hopefully experience the benefits of working at the office. “I’m excited to transition back to on-site work, because that means I get to see my colleagues and create a more personal work atmosphere,” says Danny.
Reporting to the office is really engaging for employees. Still, TTEC Australia has different job opportunities ranging from work from home to on-site arrangements. These can suit different people’s preferences. What are you waiting for? Apply now!