Pro Tip: Smile to enhance your mood

Did you know that smiling increases mood-enhancing hormones while decreasing stress-enhancing hormones?
Bonus? It also reduces overall blood pressure. And because you typically smile when you're happy, the muscles used trigger your brain to produce more endorphins-the chemical that relieves pain and stress.
And not to get too scientific here, but when we smile, the other person can't help but smile because of our “mirror” neurons. Simply makes us want to mirror the behavior we see! According to an NBC report, “we have mirror neurons that fire when we see action,” says Dr. Eva Ritzo, a psychiatrist and the co-author of "The Beauty Prescription: The Complete Formula for Looking and Feeling Beautiful." As its name suggests, mirror neurons enable us to copy or reflect the behavior we observe in others and have been linked to the capacity for empathy.” So not only are you helping yourself to de-stress, but you're also helping someone else get all the good vibes too.
So super high level, your smile matters. Making others smile matters. Here's a few of the ways here at TTEC we're supporting that vibrant smile of yours:
- We're united by our mission and purpose and guided by our values as we work together to bring smiles all around!
- We're nurturing an inclusive culture where we all raise our hands to pitch in together and support our communities
- We're focused on being kind to our Earth (from cleaning up our neighborhoods to planting trees!)
- We're taking care of the next generation through employee generated grants through the TTEC Community Foundation
Now that is something to smile about.
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