Look for the Helpers

By Rebecca Brookson
I grew up watching Mister Rogers Neighborhood as a kid. Millions of people around the world continue to turn to him as a beacon of light and hope. And I remember after 9/11, coming across one of his quotes that sticks with me every time there’s a tragedy. It gives me that much needed hope in uncertain times.
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my Mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” - Fred Rogers
As we look for the helpers, we are beyond grateful for first responders, healthcare workers, all the retailers, manufacturers and service workers keeping the supply chain moving. Our neighbors, our communities at large. We also look to our own TTEC family that has come together stronger than ever before. Team members inspire us with their #TTECStrong/#TeleTechStrong messages and with their support of each other as we Act as One during this unprecedented time.
Now, more than ever, how we connect is everything. Through our TTEC social media channels, we’ve been connecting with our team, alumni, and potential candidates to keep them up to date with the latest information. The community has shared their concerns, thoughts, and their appreciation for each other. We wanted to share a few and encourage you to connect with your communities to look for the helpers – and to be a helper.
“We see what it means to #EXPERIENCETTEC through the response to this pandemic. The remarkable efforts of so many at TTEC to make sure employees are safe is inspiring. I am proud to be part of an amazing team focused on ensuring our employees are safe globally -- along with so many others (around the world) who are passionately giving their all to take care of one another.”
“Thank you Sir! It's not easy for sure to be in that position wherein you have to provide the immediate resolution to every concern, but thank you for being transparent, for listening and doing your best! You stay safe as well! ❤️ #ExperienceTeletechTeletechPampanga #ExperienceTeletech"
“I may not have a question... but I just want to thank Teletech specially our leaders at QC UPTH... WFH gives me complete ease.. with my wife and my kids on my sight 24/7.. a happy father here saying THANK YOU & GOD BLESS you all!”
“Kudos to TeleTech for also considering the welfare of your employees.”
Search #EXPERIENCETTEC throughout social media to engage in the global conversation. Search #TTECStrong and #TeleTechStrong for inspirational messages from our global team.