Fostering Workforce Champions

By Glenis Galindo
Companies often take a passive approach to building a company culture. They may not recognize that it does more harm than good in an organization. More than a buzz word, culture is now more than ever a differentiator that sets a company apart from the competition. Culture builds brand identity. It is the soul of the company. It’s what makes them unique and gives the company a special edge in comparison to others. It’s increases loyalty among the employees and gives a driving goal and purpose for what they do.
Here at TTEC, we don’t take culture lightly. We understand the importance of community, culture and belonging. We believe in retaining good talent and fostering workforce champions. Part of this is attained by creating a positive environment where our employees are engaged, feel comfortable with their co-workers, enjoy a good atmosphere and building a sense of community is one of the steps TTEC has created to build a more positive culture. Through events such as Bring your Child to Work Day in HQ, Children’s Day in Mexico, Dress up as your Favorite Superhero in McAllen, TX to the We Appreciate You BBQ celebration for seasonal Healthcare Agents across the U.S., supporting our breast cancer survivors and maintaining solidarity with the LGTBQ community a year after the Pulse Shooting, are a few of the many ways TTEC is at the heart of what matters most, our employees.
The relentless search for improvement and innovation is at the core of the TTEC’s mission to humanize the customer service experience. Notwithstanding, it also recognizes that this humanization of customer experience begins at home utilizing the bottom up approach. If our Associates, the face of the company, are happy and have the tools to become successful, they will become the TTEC Champions needed for the company’s daily growth and success.
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