Celebratory Cheers Heard from TTEC Home Offices Around North America

The excitement continues in the recognition arena... TTEC has been named to the FlexJobs' annual list of the Top 100 Companies to Watch for Remote Jobs in 2020 for the 6th year in a row. From @home to TTEC Digital, the company offers a variety of positions where employees may choose to work from home. Whether you’re a military spouse that needs to work from home or a parent seeking a flexible schedule, our @home associates in the US and Canada enjoy the same benefits, training, and supervision as associates at our physical contact centers. Our TTEC Digital team offers remote opportunities in our enterprise sales and marketing group along with our information technology and data analytics team.
As a remote employee myself, here are the top 3 reasons why I think TTEC does a great job with distributed team members:
1. This isn’t TTEC’s first rodeo with a remote team – there’s inherent trust that you’re doing your job even though you aren’t in the same room. Our values guide us to create amazing client, customer or employee experiences whether we work at HQ, a contact center or like myself, remotely in Arizona.
2. As a global company, we collaborate daily with colleagues who aren’t in the same office, let alone in the same country or time zone. We’ve got the tools we need to stay connected from messaging apps to Zoom conference calls to collaboration resources such as SharePoint sites and MS Teams.
3. TTEC leadership has a commitment to staying connected to remote employees, I never feel like I’m on a home office island. In my role, my manager leads weekly team meetings and weekly 1:1 sessions and I know I can message, text or call her for support and advice.
Ready to learn more about why TTEC made the list? Check out our work from home opportunities. You can also search the keyword “remote” to find our virtual roles.
Interested in the making of the FlexJobs’ list? Check out the TTEC PR Newsroom. There's also more on CNBC and Forbes.
#ExperienceTTEC #FJTop100