A Very Special First Anniversary Celebration with TTEC Digital Analytics in India

By Shraddha Govari
Starting a new job in the middle of a global pandemic – not something I had on my bucket list, unsurprisingly. However, during these crises while other companies were laying off their employees and freezing hiring, I was offered the opportunity to work at TTEC Digital Analytics India. Virtual joining was a new concept for me but the warm and friendly welcome made me feel comfortable. From onboarding to induction to introduction to the team, everything happened over Zoom calls and it was a one-of-a-kind experience. The recruitment team and the management was doing their best from getting us onboarded to delivering the laptops and arranging meetings to ensure we were productive within weeks of joining.
With baby steps, I completed 5 months in the organization and even during this short period I have not only grown as a professional but also as an individual. I have made really good friends and met charismatic leaders. “Corporate culture matters, how management choses to treat its people impact everything for better or for worse.” says Simon Sinek. And I feel happy and proud to be a part of an organization having approachable and motivational leaders, unique recognition opportunities and a management that delivers on its word. Moreover, I am pleased to see female representation starting from entry level management up to the board of directors.
TTEC is about making work fun, having a good work-life balance as well as good synergy between work culture and productivity. A career takes the highway when motivation is in the driver’s seat. Having said that, I am obliged to have such mentors who motivate and guide me through my career path. Today, while we all are working remotely and when there is no human interaction, TDAI has always encouraged employee engagement programs by holding team building events, promoting fitness activities virtually to boost employee’s morale and improve collaboration.
Today on this occasion I would like to give my best wishes to the organization. It’s not a just a corporate anniversary, it’s an anniversary of a family that only grew strong defying the odds.
Happy 1st Anniversary TTEC Digital Analytics India!!!!!!!!!!
-Shraddha Govari