4 Tips to Help You Transition to Working from Home

By Rebecca Brookson
New to remote work? Here’s some tips to help you prepare for this next journey in your own home office space. It’s important as you transition out of a traditional work environment to create a few new routines and rituals to set yourself up for success. Whether you commute to work or walk to your home office space, setting the tone is a critical way to start to your day.
Stick to a Routine
It takes a lot of discipline to work from home – to shut out the distraction of the kids, the news, the overflowing pile of laundry or the desire to “just get one more thing done”. Creating a daily routine can help. Once again, take the time that you would have used to commute and use it to address a couple of your personal priorities so that when you start your work day, you can be focused on the tasks at hand – and not that pile of laundry. Stick to set times for starting your work day, time for breaks, and ending the work day. For more tips, check out Robin Sharma’s blog on how billionaires start their days to optimize their productivity.
Time to get ready!
While the allure of dressing down is strong, only you know what makes you feel ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Would you wear your PJs to the office? We didn’t think so. Video conferencing may also be an important part of your day, so you’ll want to be dressed and ready for those key meetings. For more insight on the psychology of what happens when you dress up for work, check out this Fast Company article.
Go to the ‘office’
Even if your office is the kitchen table, make sure you have a set space to work each day that is void of other distractions. Sit upright in the chair... lounging on the couch or in that favorite comfy (albeit unattractive) lounge chair really is more conducive to a nap than being productive.
And last... but certainly not least... pencil in time to move
Whether it’s yoga, stretching or a YouTube workout, movement is critical to start your day off right. And now that you don’t have a commute, this is the perfect opportunity to schedule in movement time. And you can do this without leaving the house.
Just to note…movement is important regardless of where we work but doubly so when working from home. It’s more challenging to get the steps in naturally throughout the day because there was no need to walk to and from transportation, through the lobby and the office to your desk.
Now you’re ready to “open” your home office. We know there’s a lot more to creating a successful remote environment. We’ll also be talking in future blogs about topics such as the design of the space to staying connected with coworkers.
Looking for a remote opportunity? We’re hiring for TTEC at home and remote roles.